Tuesday, June 4, 2013

 Alas, I have been neglecting my blog!!!

Lack of organization is my excuse. Recently I moved back to my home town for summer break, and I have yet to develop a solid system. My living spaces are trashed. My sleep schedule, workout schedule, eating plan, project deadlines, etc. are all completely nonexistent. Its summer break and that much structure may sound a bit ridiculous, but I tend to be a bit ...specific in the way that I do things. Usually, you will find an array of topic organized to-do lists accompanying my planner, daily goals list, and weekly goals chart, which tracks the progress of my expectations. Excessive? Maybe. But I am useless without a plan and the satisfaction of check-marks in boxes makes everything right with the world.

Anyway, here is quick catch up of what has been going on:

The treasure hunting continues! Cooper and I went to the Gypsy Caravan, which was basically a huge flea market with awesome eggplant gyros. Cooper was considerably disappointed that antique dealers and crafters were hosting the event rather than gypsies. His spirits were lifted at the discovery of a killer vintage belt with a turquoise embellished buckle. We picked up a few other cool knick knacks and my very first print box! (More on that later.) After, we hit up the bookstore and an Indian restaurant that totally rocked our world. The day was an A+++. We have also been spending some time longboarding (I'm learning), doing yoga (he's learning), reading, and running at our wonderful local park. Bonding at its finest.

As far as projects go, I have been all over the place. Though the pattern has changed multiple times throughout the process, my first satchel is almost complete. I'm quite pleased with it really, but no photos until I have an awesome finished product. Other than that, I am learning to embroider, playing with more abstract pieces, and designing a lifestyle line. I am also working on redecorating my bedroom (including making my first quilt) and organizing my basement studio. This is exactly why I need to make a schedule; dabbling in 15 projects, completing 0. A work in progress, never the less.

Cooking has also been filling A LOT of my time. No, I do not consider myself vegan but I do feel healthier without animal products in my diet. My stomach is a bit fickle and gives me a lot of trouble, but it seems that the cleaner I eat the less it hurts. So I invested in this vegan cookbook, Betty Goes Vegan. I LOVE IT. I have been having a blast making the recipes, like the Cajun blackened tofu pictured above. Eating a primarily vegan and plant based diet leaves me feeling so much lighter, and I definitely look thinner.Win win.

My mom recently returned home after three weeks of being abroad. She brought me the most incredible gifts, including a sari and a marble Buddha! Eastern culture has been a huge source of inspiration for me the last few years...opening her gifts felt like Christmas. The cat and I are very pleased to have her home.

In addition to my cookbook, I purchased The Power of Now. It has been on my 'to read' list for ages, and I am completely amazed at how much clarity I find in its pages. Anyone going through a tough time should give it a go; you won't be sorry.

I must go make my lists before my evening bike ride and yoga class. GOOD VIBES TO YOU ALL!