Tuesday, July 30, 2013

"With light left in the day, there's still work to be done."

This is what I have been telling myself as I continue to procrastinate my venture home.  I've been meaning to leave here for hours now but I keep finding excuses to stay. "I'll go home after my bike ride...I'll go home after dinner...I'll leave once I get some more work done."

You see, this week I have been house sitting and I am finding the seclusion to be quite therapeutic. Few obligations and even fewer interruptions; with the exception of my feline friends who appreciate the occasional nuzzle.

Today was no less than swell and it passed exactly the way I like; slowly and simply. With nothing pressing on my calendar, the time frame from nine until noon was spent sipping coffee out of a transparent glass mug. The first half warm, the second half with ice. Paper, in some context, is what I pair with my morning joe. Magazines, books, sketchbooks, etc. Today I fully indulged in business planning.

Have I mentioned I am starting a business? I am starting a business. An online vintage clothing company via Etsy.  Between you and me, I get a real sense of satisfaction from obsessive list making and organizing (e.g. currently, there are 156 separate lists stored on my iPhone....yes,quite literally 156), so planning the many facets of a company has been thrilling for me. I've also been on my thrifting A game, hitting up local Goodwill's and garage sales like its my job (ironically). For a company that doesn't currently exist, I've accumulated a decent stock of vintage garments! unsurprisingly, my

I regret not having more relevant photos to share with you, but my 'business planning' photos would consist mostly of spreadsheets and Microsoft documents....

 While house sitting, Orangie here has been my right hand man. Follows me everywhere, loves me always.

Here are some of my new thrifts!! Levi denim jacket, coral shirt dress, gold bear pin, and men's loafers. I've been drooling about the loafers. I can NEVER find vintage shoes that fit me...hence the man sizing.

This is my work table in my studio. I've been compiling images and color swatches for my fall fashion line.